Joker's best quotes in Joker movie 2019 ? - WTFNews
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Joker's best quotes in Joker movie 2019 ?

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All time Joker's best Quotes in Joker movie 2019 ?

Joker's best quotes in Joker movie 2019 ?

Joker, this name is the most audible name of the film industry of Hollywood and other film industries. everyone used to the follower of the joker. Now overall the character of the DC series most popular character is a joker, on this character we have got a movie which was a great success of DC series all the time mostly the dialogues of the joker is fabulous and it becomes business of social media by writing a quotes up on the joker. for example, we can see some of the quotes which were said through a joker in the movie.joker is a  kind of movie which is nominated for 11 oscar, and also many awards. and another movie as-like-as joker but it is an excellent story lineup that extracts the audience more to the theater to see joker character which was named "Darknight" which was an Oscar award movie.


 Joker's best quotes in Joker movie 2019 ?

 " Never run back for a train or a woman because when one goes another arrives "
" Money will bring you anything And Everything don't let the stupid quotes fool you "
" if you never tase failure you will never know how the success taste like" 
" A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracle than any wonder drug " 
"I have multiple personalities so don't dare to think you know me completely " 
" never argue with some who believes their own lies "
" Running away from your problem is a race you'll never win "
" kill them with your success and bury them with a smile"
" I am not funny I mean but people think I'm joking"
" you can watch me, mock me block me but you can't stop me"
" be careful who you trust even salt looks like fucking sugar "
" life is a storm either get an umbrella or learn to dance in the rain "
" you want to turn the page? HAHA... I want to burn the book "
" love is like fire either it will warm you or burn you"
" Things that are bad always taste nice "
" smile and will scare your enemy "
" Time is free but it priceless "
" the day you plant a seed is not the day you eat the fruit "
" whatever started in anger is ended up in shamed " 
" Respect me I respect you Disrespect me I fuck you "
" It's better to walk alone at night than with a fake freind in light"
" Don't be so proud with your skin colour  we all are same when light's goes off "
 " Be a player in your life  who runs for the goal, Not referee who looks for the faults "
" Everybody  two eyes  but  nobody  has the same view "
" don't try to make me bad , beacause  I don't  know how to be  bad  I just know to be wrost."


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